High Wycombe Methodist

Tylers Green

Tylers Green Methodist is a small and friendly church with services each Sunday at 10.30am, usually followed by coffee in the church hall. Services are led by a Minister, one of our local Worship Leaders or one of the High Wycombe Methodist Circuit Local Preachers. All are welcome.

During the week we have a prayer group and a Bible study group. We also hold a monthly Saturday coffee morning in the church hall with speakers or other activities, usually on the second Saturday each month starting at 10.30am. All are welcome.

Our minister is Rev Rachael Prince - 01494 562491

Current information about our church

January 2025 Services


5th January  The service will be led by Neil Manthorpe - Local Preacher.

12th January   There will be no morning service at Tylers Green. We will be joining our friends at Holmer Green Methodist church ( Earl Howe Road, HP15 6PX) The service will be a local arrangement. 
Later at 2pm, at Tylers Green,  'Messy Church' (aimed at children but fun for all ages!) A fun way through arts and crafts to learn about the love of God.

19th January The service will be led by Linda Lovell - Local Preacher.

26th January Covenant Service  The service will be led by our Minister Rev. Rachael Prince and will include Holy Communion.


For more information about our Sunday services each month please see the latest Circuit Plan.

For the latest news about our church please visit our Facebook page.

Tylers Green Methodist Church

Coppice Farm Road
Tylers Green
High Wycombe
HP10 8AH

If you have a general enquiry about the church, please contact Geraldine Nelson on 01494 815631


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