High Wycombe Methodist

Flackwell Heath

Our minister is Rev Kate Strange - 01628 483985.
Sunday services are at 11.00am and on Zoom at 6.30pm. on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Flackwell Heath Methodist Church
Heath End Road
Flackwell Heath
High Wycombe
HP10 9DT

We are a small, friendly and caring village church, offering a mixture of in-person and Zoom Sunday services with both traditional and modern worship.  Our morning service on the first Sunday of the month is followed by a community lunch - open to all.

We meet on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings on Zoom for prayers and we run a number of fellowship groups with a mixture of Bible study and discussion.

We also run a thriving coffee morning every Satruday morning, an ecumenical Girls' Brigade and two toddler groups on Wednesday and Friday mornings - see below for further details.

We are proud to be a Fairtrade church.

We are starting The Prayer Course on Wednesday 12th February at 7:30pm.  Refreshments provided.  All welcome.

This is a list of what's on.

Click on an image to see a larger version.

If you have a general enquiry about the church, please contact Paul Soper - paulsoper55@gmail.com

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